Matthew’s Reach 

A Program Supporting Men’s Mental Health

To ensure the Matthew’s Reach program is a good fit for you, candidates will:

  • Complete a confidential but detailed application outlining why you feel able to commit to therapy at this time, and what general therapy goals you’re wanting to work toward.

  • Declare the number of sessions (up to 15) you’re applying for, and why.

  • Offer a clear time period (i.e., a general start-and-end date, and session frequency) you can commit to.

  • Offer a general outline of your upcoming schedule to ensure therapy sessions can be consistently attended.

  • Declare that you have fully explored the list of therapists funded by the program, and have selected at least two as options, should funding be approved.

  • Provide information about what you may be able to financially contribute to your therapy, and why supplemental program funding is also needed.

  • Describe why you may not be able to partially contribute to your therapy, and why full funding will be needed.

Once you complete and submit your application:

  •  Our Program Intake Therapist, Jenifer Freedy, M.Ed., RSW, will review your application information, and contact you to book an initial 20-minute phone or online consultation. This will be a relaxed meeting to simply confirm your information, allow you to ask any outstanding questions you have, and determine your suitability for our program at this time. As a part of this, the number of sessions and funding needed for your therapy will also be determined.

  • If, after the consult, you and Jenifer feel you’re suitable for the program at this time, you’ll be assigned to the therapist you selected from our list.  

  • To preserve your privacy, a specific and confidential identification number will be assigned to you by Jenifer once accepted to the program. This number will be used for invoicing purposes and payments to your therapist. At no time will any of the Matthew DeCicco Memorial Golf Committee have access to your name or details - they will only see your confidential program identification number.

  • From there, your chosen therapist will contact you to book your first one-hour appointment. Then, you and your therapist will continue to book your future sessions at the end of each appointment or through their appointment-booking procedure.


Funded Session Payments:

  • If 100% of your therapy is being funded by our program, your therapist will invoice the program after each session. Again, invoices will identify you only by your program identification number, and payment will be completed directly through our program’s accounting process. 

  • If you are making partial contributions toward your therapy (as determined during your initial 20-minute consultation) you will pay that amount to your therapist after each session. The remainder owing will then be invoiced to our program by your therapist, and paid by us.

You ready? Click below to begin the application process. Once you complete your application on-line, save it, and then email it to Jenifer at: From there, Jenifer will text or email you to book your 20-minute consultation.

The Application Process